Redesign of Diet Coke magazine advertisement 
Original Diet Coke magazine ad
Creative Brief - It's Mine
            The original ad is uninteresting. Coca Cola has created this beautiful attention grabbing designs for their bottles but their ad is lacking. The concept makes sense, “it’s mine, so I’m going jump and grab it before you can,” sure I guess that’s an okay campaign? But why not make it your own by inspiring creativity. With this ad of a woman jumping to grab a diet coke, I initially flipped right by it. I was not interested until I saw the design on the bottle. The text is simple and fine, I like the text, I like the “It’s mine” sologan and campaign, but the imagery is lacking. The simplistic white background is aesthetically pleasing and I like the clean nature of the design. It’s just the image of the woman that does nothing for me.
            In my design I highlighted the bottle and it’s design, and played on the idea of the “it’s mine” campaign by creating a “doodle” illustration around the bottle that is my own. The idea behind this would be that everyday people could submit their own designs for the ad. I love the artwork on the bottles and think that it is a create concept, but I don’t like the possessive nature of the “it’s mine, don’t touch” advertising they are doing. Instead of a hostile possessive “it’s mine” I think that they could be promoting creativity and the designs of the bottle, which is what I feel I did by creating this ad redesign. I stuck with the initial four colors featured on this bottle to highlight the bottles design. I made the bottle the focal point as opposed to the woman jumping at the bottle.
            I kept the “Diet Coke” and “It’s Mine” because Diet Coke is an essential and I like the “It’s Mine” idea, I added “make it your own” for the purpose of the doodle and creating something that is one’s own. I think that this ad is more likely to grab attention, as the bottle does, and make the reader stop and take a minute to look at the ad and the product. I find that ads that are simple are more effective because they get the job done in a simple manner, and I feel like this does exactly that in a fun way.
            The premise of this ad campaign could be that the general public could make their own designs and have them featured on the Diet Coke website. People could go to their website, download a blank template with a bottle and great their “own” and then upload it for everyone else to see. Diet Coke could get celebrities to create their own as well as a fun way of taking this ad campaign to the next level, and Diet Coke could even use some celebrities and every day people’s designs in their ads. 
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